Library Rock's Backpages

Grand Wizard Theodore

Grand Wizard Theodore

5 articles

Audio interviews

Grand Wizzard Theodore (1998)

Interview by Bill Brewster, Frank Broughton, Rock's Backpages audio, 2 October 1998

The pioneering hip hop DJ talks about his early days, acting as Grandmaster Flash's record boy; playing his first party in 1975 with the L Brothers; inventing needle drops and scratching; the emergence of the rapping MC; the move downtown and out into the wider world, and the pleasures of touring Japan!

File format: mp3; file size: 71.7mb, interview length: 1h 14' 41" sound quality: ****

List of articles in the library

By date | By writer | Most recently added

Grand Wizard Theodore accidentally invents scratching in 1975 (or does he?)

Retrospective by Angus Batey, The Guardian, 13 June 2011

AMONG hip-hop's canonical creation myths, few are as perfectly formed as Grand Wizard Theodore's invention of scratching. ...

DJ Kool Herc and Grand Wizard Theodore

Interview by Angus Batey, New Musical Express, 7 May 1997

DJS KOOL HERC and Grand Wizard Theodore, who recently played in London as support to the Chemical Brothers, may not be up there with yer ...

Hip Hop: The Music Centre

Report by Dave Rimmer, Smash Hits, 14 April 1983

Ever wondered where Wham! and Malcolm McLaren got their ideas from? Or how rapping and scratching actually started? The answers lie in the Bronx — a borough ...

Yes Yes Y'all and it don't stop, to the beat y'all and it don't stop

Comment by Mark Pringle, Rock's Backpages, October 2003

RBP's very own Mark Pringle got invited to curate the inaugural exhibition – Yes Yes Y'all: hip hop from scratch – at the Hospital in ...


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