Library Rock's Backpages

Blues Access

Blues Access

Blues Access was a specialist magazine published quarterly in Boulder, Colorado, between 1990 and 2002. In its later years it was edited by John Sinclair.

3 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

Jimmy Reed, Emancipator of the South: An Oral History

Retrospective and Interview by Joe Nick Patoski, Blues Access, Summer 2000

IT BEGINS WITH the discovery of a black-and-white photograph dated 1961. The setting is Walker's Auditorium, a chitlin' circuit showcase for touring black musicians in ...

B.B. King: Talk to the Boss: His Majesty Mr. King

Interview by Wayne Robins, Blues Access, Spring 1999

THE BLUE Note may be the most upscale of expensive jazz and blues clubs in New York and a major stop on the itinerary of ...

Irma Thomas: An Audience With The Soul Queen Of New Orleans

Interview by John Sinclair, Blues Access, Spring 2000

AS HER lengthy reign as the Soul Queen of New Orleans extends into the 21st century, the great Irma Thomas continues to grow as an ...

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