Library Rock's Backpages

The Bob

Bob, The

The Bob was a magazine published in Wilmington, Delaware, from 1979 until the 1990s. It specialised in coverage of new wave bands, and was often sold with a flexidisc containing music of some of the featured bands.

4 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

The Coal Porters, Sid Griffin: What a Long, Strange Ryde(r) It's Been: Sid Griffin

Interview by Bill Wasserzieher, The Bob, April 1995

SID GRIFFIN emerges from the underground tube station at Piccadilly Circus, a long coat over his shoulders, collar up against the chill, and coattails adrift ...

Frente!: Marvin the Album

Review by Bill Wasserzieher, The Bob, November 1994

THE MOST VIOLENT electrical storm documented in this century occurred Oct. 31, 1989, in the vicinity of Grovers Mill, New Jersey, where more than 200 ...

Ben Vaughn: Old Cars and New Breaks: A Conversation with Ben Vaughn

Interview by Bill Wasserzieher, The Bob, November 1997

"You have to read circumstances in life. It's like when you're doing a show and it's not happening, so you abandon the set list and ...

Peter Case, The Plimsouls: The Soul of the Plimsouls

Report and Interview by Bill Wasserzieher, The Bob, October 1995

HOW IRONIC that it took a film about an RTD bus careening through the spaghetti network of Los Angeles freeways, unable to slow below 50 ...

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