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Buscadero (Italy)

Buscadero (Italy)

Buscadero is an Italian monthly music magazine founded in 1980, and focussing on classic rock.

2 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

John Mellencamp Speaks Truth And Art

Interview by Francesco Calazzo, Buscadero (Italy), 1998

A LONG TIME Mellencamp fan, myself, who disliked, or at the very least did not "dig" his Mr. Happy Go Lucky album, could not miss ...

Elvis Costello: Pete Thomas on Elvis Costello

Interview by Francesco Calazzo, Buscadero (Italy), 1996

What follows is a little chat, later rearranged as an interview, occurred between Pete Thomas (the drummer of the now disbanded Elvis Costello’s Attractions) and ...

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