Library Rock's Backpages



DIY is a United Kingdom-based music publication, in print and online. Its free print edition is released monthly with a physical circulation of 40,000 in UK venues, clubs and shops.

2 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

The Streets: Streets Ahead: Mike Skinner

Interview by Patrick Clarke, DIY, 8 May 2020

When Mike Skinner reunited The Streets, he could've cashed his cheque and quit. Instead, he's got a mixtape, album and film on the way. We ...

Young Fathers: Heavy Is The Heart: Young Fathers

Interview by Patrick Clarke, DIY, 7 November 2022

Young Fathers stand as one of the most creative, boundaryless bands of their generation. Now, with fourth LP Heavy Heavy, they're channelling it into a ...

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