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East Coast Rocker

East Coast Rocker

The East Coast Rocker (EC Rocker) is a publication that was printed weekly in the mid-to-late '80s and early '90s. It covered the local NY/NJ tri-state area music scene along with well known national artist. The alternative newspaper Aquarian was founded in 1969. In 1986 after 637 issues it changed to East Coast Rocker. In 1992 after 326 issues as East Coast Rocker the magazine changed back to Aquarian Weekly, accompanied by East Coast Rocker as a pull-out section.

10 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

The Human League: Ritz, NYC

Live Review by Abby Weissman, East Coast Rocker, 6 February 1987

THOSE ONCE-darlings of the dance club – the Human League – are back. With a new hit single, 'Human', and album, Crash, they are currently ...

New Order: Felt Forum, NYC

Live Review by Abby Weissman, East Coast Rocker, December 1986

BRITAIN IS STILL the best breeding ground for creative angst. The combination of unemployment, Margaret Thatcher and cloudy, rainy weather has produced a generation of ...

Johnny Thunders: Ritz, NYC

Live Review by Abby Weissman, East Coast Rocker, 28 January 1987

SEEING JOHNNY Thunders live is kind of like a crap shoot. Even his diehard New York fans, long disillusioned by failed comebacks and cures, cautiously ...

The Cult: Ritz, NYC

Live Review by Abby Weissman, East Coast Rocker, June 1987

THE NIGHT the Cult played the Ritz on a few hours' notice was such a perfect media event, a seasoned rock publicist couldn’t have schemed ...

The Ramones: The Ritz, New York

Live Review by Abby Weissman, East Coast Rocker, 26 November 1986

TEN YEARS AND 10 blocks north of CBGB's – the bar on the Bowery which first unleashed them onto an unsuspecting world – the Ramones ...

Eric Burdon: The Ritz, New York

Live Review by Abby Weissman, East Coast Rocker, 16 July 1986

ERIC BURDON gave a party and nobody came. His Ritz gig was a testament to the ephemeral nature of the music biz and the rock ...

Suicide: CBGB, New York

Live Review by Abby Weissman, East Coast Rocker, 10 September 1986

THE JURY IS still out on the music of the '70s, but the smoke is starting to clear. It's easier to see who was truly ...

10,000 Maniacs, The Cure: The Cure/10,000 Maniacs: The Pier, New York City

Live Review by Abby Weissman, East Coast Rocker, 23 July 1986

THE CURE do what they damn please; it is both their strength and their curse. During their ten years together, the band has changed attitude ...

Lou Reed: The Ritz, New York

Live Review by Abby Weissman, East Coast Rocker, 30 July 1986

"THIS IS THE new improved, nice-guy version of Lou Reed," Reed announced at his sold-out Ritz gig, the kick-off for a major tour. Some people in ...

The Ramones: Ramonesland: An Interview with the First Family of Punk

Interview by Abby Weissman, East Coast Rocker, 21 September 1988

IT'S NOT uncommon for strangers to come up to the Ramones to thank them for existing and to pay their respects. Sometimes it's just kids ...

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