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The Herald

Herald, The

The Herald is a Scottish broadsheet newspaper founded in 1783.

6 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

Musica Della Mafia: Omerta Onuri E Sangu

Report and Interview by Graeme Thomson, The Herald, October 2002

IT SAYS MUCH for the myth-making powers of Hollywood and beyond that the mere mention of the mafia tends to conjure up images of sharp-suited, ...

John Martyn: I've Had a Wonderful Time

Report and Interview by Graeme Thomson, The Herald, November 2005

IT IS FAR from unusual to discover whole fathoms of deep blue sea between the artist and their art. Nothing, however, quite prepares you for ...

Roddy Frame: Candid Camera: Roddy Frame opens up on new album Seven Dials

Report and Interview by Graeme Thomson, The Herald, 9 May 2014

THERE IS A LINE in 'White Pony', the opening track on Roddy Frame's fine new album, which says a mouthful. It goes like this: "Sometimes ...

Elvis Costello

Interview by Graeme Thomson, The Herald, 23 August 2002

YOU DON'T REALLY interview Elvis Costello. It's more a matter of tossing a few loaded questions at him then taking cover as each enquiry explodes ...

The Blue Nile: Paul Buchanan

Profile and Interview by Graeme Thomson, The Herald, 2006

THE FEW THINGS you may conceivably already know about Paul Buchanan are by far the least interesting: that he had a two-year relationship with the ...

Ryan Adams: Demolition Man: Ryan Adams

Interview by Graeme Thomson, The Herald, September 2002

RYAN ADAMS IS not feeling well. "Summertime cold," he snuffles, and for a while, early on in our conversation, he seems intent on spreading the ...

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