Library Rock's Backpages

The Listener

Listener, The

The Listener was a weekly magazine established by the BBC in January 1929. It was promoted as a medium of record for the reproduction of broadcast talks. It also previewed major literary and musical broadcasts, and reviewed new books. It ceased publication in 1991

3 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

The Kinks, The Mugwumps: The Mugwumps: The Mugwumps; The Kinks: Something Else by the Kinks

Review by Geoffrey Cannon, The Listener, 14 September 1967

(2019 note) Here is the first of the three pieces I wrote for The Listener, which started me as a rock writer. The second and ...

The Beach Boys: California!

Review by Geoffrey Cannon, The Listener, 22 November 1967

2012 NOTE: In the third (and last) column below written for The Listener in late 1967, I tried to begin to grope towards construction ...

The Mothers Of Invention: Mother's Rites: Freak Out/Absolutely Free

Review by Geoffrey Cannon, The Listener, 19 October 1967

2012 NOTE: Here below is the second column I wrote for The Listener in late 1967. It was the first of a number I ...

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