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Mojo Navigator

Mojo Navigator

Mojo Navigator (whose full title was Mojo-Navigator Rock and Roll News) was a fanzine started in San Francisco in 1966 by David Harris and Greg Shaw. It was probably the first rock fanzine, and was the precursor to Greg's own venture, Who Put The Bomp!, subsequently published in Los Angeles.

6 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

The Mothers of Invention: Absolutely Free (Verve V6-5013)

Review by Greg Shaw, Mojo Navigator, August 1967

THIS ALBUM is a "first" in the rock genre, being basically an opera more than anything else. The record is divided into 13 tracks, each ...

Simon & Garfunkel: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme (Columbia)

Review by Gene Sculatti, Mojo Navigator, 8 November 1966

SIMON AND Garfunkel's third album is quite different from their second (their first, all-folk album was produced before their first hit and is nowhere as ...

Bill Graham Revisited

Comment by Greg Shaw, Mojo Navigator, 30 August 1966

FROM OUR RATHER strongly-worded editorial in the last issue, many have drawn the conclusion that we are totally against Bill Graham. Nothing, of course, could ...

Country Joe & The Fish: Country Joe and the Fish

Interview by Greg Shaw, Mojo Navigator, 22 November 1966

Present at this interview were Country Joe and the Fish, who consist of Joe McDonald (vocals), Barry Melton (lead guitar), David Cohen (guitar and organ), ...

The Doors: Interview with the Doors

Interview by Greg Shaw, Mojo Navigator, August 1967

MOJO NAVIGATOR: You just played in New York and Los Angeles and San Francisco. What are the differences you've found in the audiences in the ...

Big Brother & The Holding Company, Janis Joplin: Big Brother & the Holding Company

Interview by Greg Shaw, Mojo Navigator, 5 October 1966

GS: Can you tell us about your recent visit to Chicago? ...

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