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Launched in 1991, Volume was a UK publication which combined the issue of a compilation CD and booklet containing features on the artists. The albums typically contained exclusive tracks and remixes from a diverse range of indie artists. The series came to an end in January 1997.

3 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

The The: Lip Tripping

Profile and Interview by Jon Wilde, Volume, April 1993

IT'S HARDLY A surprise to learn that Matt Johnson, that most untypical of pop star types, experienced a less than typical upbringing. ...

Pulp: Interview With Jarvis Cocker

Interview by Paul Mathur, Volume, November 1991

IN THE EARLY '80s, a deeply disturbed Sheffield pop group called Pulp crafted a brace of lovably awkward pop classics, most notably the "controversial" 'Little ...


Interview by Elaine Cusack, Volume, Summer 1995

ECHOBELLY ARE a busy band. A very busy band. Their tight schedule of foreign tours, press trips and record releases is set to lengthen and, ...

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