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3 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

Billy Squier: Fanfare For the Common Man: Billy Squier Blows His Horn

Interview by Mark Dery, Winner, Winter 1987


David Lee Roth, Van Halen: David Lee Roth Takes Off His Warpaint

Interview by Mark Dery, Winner, November 1986

LOS ANGELES has a mess of atavistic attractions most tourists never get hip to: Chili Cheese Fritos, Dodger Dogs, Fatburger ("The Last Great Hamburger Stand"), ...

The Psychedelic Furs: The Butler Did It

Interview by Mark Dery, Winner, November 1986

THERE'S A scene in David Cronenburg's The Fly where a baboon gets zapped, beamed from Point A to Point B, and reassembled as simian upsidedown ...

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