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Derek Grant

Derek Grant wrote for Rolling Stone, Melody Maker and New Musical Express between 1968 and 1970, and from 1971 to 1973 was the editor of Beat Instrumental.

4 articles

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Peter Frampton

Interview by Derek Grant, Beat Instrumental, May 1973

PETER FRAMPTON'S talent has been undisputed for some time now, although the final musical proof of it has always been something forecasted for the ...

The Beach Boys, Brian Wilson: Staying Home: Brian Wilson

Report and Interview by Derek Grant, Melody Maker, 21 November 1970

"IT WAS A MISTAKE but I had to try it. After about half an hour I realised I couldn't go on. My ears hurt, I ...

The Doors, Jefferson Airplane: The Doors/Jefferson Airplane: The Roundhouse, London

Live Review by Derek Grant, New Musical Express, September 1968

THE RUMOURS were flying. Doors drummer John Densmore was missing. The groups were arguing as to who would go on first. There was some speculation ...

Joe Cocker: Cocker Power: Are The Mains Being Turned Off?

Report and Interview by Derek Grant, Beat Instrumental, September 1972

MANY UNCOMPLIMENTARY words have been written in the music press recently about the return of Joe Cocker to the rock and roll fold after a ...

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