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Jane Heil

Jane Heil

Jane Heil Usyk has been a freelance writer and editor for many years. Her book, Silence, Storytelling, and Madness: Strategies of Resistance in Nuyorican and Other Latina Women's Coming-of-Age Stories was published in 2013.

Her articles have appeared in Cosmopolitan, Family Circle, Vogue, Glamour, Playgirl and many others.  She worked on staff at Vogue, Fitness, and New Woman magazines. She taught at New York City colleges for fifteen years.  

Her stories and poems are currently in  And Then magazine and online at Forum of World Cultures.

She earned a Bachelor’s Degree from NYU, where she received the Burrell Prize in Literature, and a Master’s Degree in literature from The City College of New York.  She attended  Vermont Studio Center on an artists angel fellowship, and the Dorset Writers’ Colony in Dorset, Vermont.  

She is married to the artist Michael Usyk and lives in New York City.

6 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

Bobby Bare, Little Jimmy Dickens, Roger Miller: Roger Miller & Little Jimmy Dickens: A Happy Thing Happened On Our Way To Hullabaloo

Report by Jane Heil, Hit Parader, April 1966

ISN'T THAT Roger Miller standing over on the sidelines at the Hullabaloo rehearsal? Are those tears in his eyes? What's he doing here, anyway; he isn't even ...

Phil Ochs and Protest Songs

Interview by Jane Heil, Hit Parader, January 1966

AS EVERYONE already knows, folk songs have come off the back porch and out of the pads, and are now very big business. Everybody listens ...

The Supremes: The Chic-est Girls In Show Business

Report by Jane Heil, Hit Parader, May 1966

WELL, OF COURSE, their sound: Supreme, tops, five in a row if you're keeping score. But LOOK at them! I mean, those are three swell-looking ...

Sid Bernstein: The Genius Finder

Interview by Jane Heil, Hit Parader, May 1966


Dave Van Ronk: Big Daddy of the Blues Singers... Dave Van Ronk

Interview by Jane Heil, Hit Parader, July 1966

NOT SO LONG ago — ten years or so — that gutsy, sorrowful, driving Negro folk-blues sound was the sole property of the Negro blues ...

Rock, Roll, and Me: Writing the '60s

Memoir by Jane Heil, Forum of World Cultures, 20 July 2008

THE FIFTY or so articles I wrote for Hit Parader and other rock and country magazines are packed away on a high shelf in my apartment. I ...

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