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Karen Schlosberg

Karen Schlosberg

Karen Schlosberg has written for Rolling Stone, Billboard, Boston Phoenix, Boston Herald, Worcester Telegram, Providence Journal, Boston Globe, Musician and Boston Rock.

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23 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

Tracey Ullman Must Work

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, September 1984

WHAT'S A nice girl like Tracey Ullman doing in the music business? First we have to clear up several pieces of information that are rather ...

XTC: Love and Disguise on a Farmboy's Wages

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Musician, June 1984

IF THERE WERE A TRUE NORM for British pop bands, it would be XTC, who reflect where they're from and what they see so accurately ...

Haircut 100: Haircut One Hundred: ...And Now For Something Really Clean

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Trouser Press, September 1982

Haircut One Hundred proves that neatness counts ...

ABC: Alphabet Super

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Trouser Press, February 1983

ABC ARE currently the hottest three letters of the alphabet. The band of that name's debut album, The Lexicon of Love, contains some of the ...

R.E.M.: Berets from Mars! R.E.M. Eat The Document

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, December 1987

IT'S DANGEROUS to write about R.E.M. without falling into the Larger-Than-Life trap. Perhaps it's because so few "Rock Stars" (and that term is used loosely) ...

Warren Zevon: The Ritz, New York NYC

Live Review by Karen Schlosberg, Trouser Press, February 1983

WARREN ZEVON is arguably the most compelling and exciting member of the LA singer/songwriter set. His latest album, The Envoy, is his most movingly powerful ...

The Stray Cats: Bond Club, New York NY

Live Review by Karen Schlosberg, Trouser Press, June 1981

TALK ABOUT time warps. New York's ultra-cool, ultra-modern Bond rock club, decorated like something out of a bad science fiction movie, was invaded by girls ...

Nick Heyward: Wanted: One New Image (Wholesome Popsters Need Not Apply)

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, April 1984

ONCE UPON a time there were three English lads who thought it would be a lark to form a pop band. They recruited three other ...

The Gun Club, The Jam: The Jam, The Gun Club: Palladium, New York NY

Live Review by Karen Schlosberg, Trouser Press, September 1982

UNDER A WIDE banner that said "Trans-Global Unity Express," the Jam played an intense 80-minute set to a half-empty Palladium. Songwriter/guitarist Paul Weller, with his ...

Rank and File: Can Punks Sing Country? Just Listen Up!

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Trouser Press, April 1983

"I'D CALL IT country music, and let I everyone take it from there," Chip A. Kinman says, almost defiantly. ...

Nick Lowe: Isn't That Nick Lowe?

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, March 1986

"I SEEM TO occupy a funny sort of position in the music business," Nick Lowe says with a trace of a grin and a sigh. ...

Fine Young Cannibals: Them's Fine Young Cannibals There!

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, July 1986

"WE'RE THE hip uncles, that's what we're going for," says Roland Gift when asked to describe the Fine Young Cannibals' image. "All the kids can ...

Joan Jett Unchained

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, October 1986

"YOU PICKED AN interesting time to visit." Michael J. Fox has his tongue planted firmly in cheek as he stands in the backyard of a ...

The Hooters: The Hottest Hooters in The Business

Report and Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, June 1986

Part One, So You Want to be a Rock 'n' Roll Star: ...

Fabulous Thunderbirds: The Fabulous Thunderbirds: Tuff Enuff, Were They Actual Meat

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, August 1986

THE FABULOUS Thunderbirds have been something of a musical anomaly; their current well-deserved success, after four albums and roughly 12 years of playing steel-packed, blues-drenched ...

The Stray Cats: Out Of The Litter Box & Into The Fire!

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, December 1983

WHAT HAPPENS when you try to domesticate the Stray Cats? Example: A very sincere young girl writes "I Love You Brian" endlessly in neat, round ...

The Fleshtones: Opening The Doors Of Perception

Profile and Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Trouser Press, 1983

IT WAS a dark and stormy night. In his castle high on the hill, evil Dr Vollen was cackling to himself, and to the stuffed ...

XTC: Celestial Postcards

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, July 1987

AN UPDATE on the attempted Americanization of XTC. For an eighth full album the trio is told, as reported by stalwart singer/songwriter/guitarist Andy Partridge, to ...

U2: The Roots of U2

Retrospective and Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, August 1987

SHERMAN, INTO the Wayback Machine. The year: 1981. A young Irish quartet called U2 is promoting its debut album, Boy. Its lead singer is simply ...

Let's Active's Mitch Easter

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, August 1985

NORTH CAROLINA has one of the neater state mottos around: Esse Quam Videri, To Be Rather Than To Seem. You might apply that motto to ...

Marshall Crenshaw Has A Field Day

Report and Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, August 1983

WHAT A GUY. That phrase, always delivered with a flatter-than-thou Midwestern twang, is often bandied about within the Crenshaw camp. ...

ABC: Agony and Ecstasy of ABC

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, June 1984

ALL EDUCATION begins with ABCs. This particular education is of the musical sort, concerning one Sheffield-based trio (formerly quartet) that took its alphabetical beliefs and ...

Iron Maiden: What's It All About Eddie?

Interview by Karen Schlosberg, Creem, July 1985

HEAVY METAL. Now – wait. Before you all go screaming off into the night, crossing yourselves and mouthing prayers to the soul of Michael Jackson, ...

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