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Raphael Rubinstein

Raphael Rubinstein

Raphael Rubinstein is a New York-based writer and curator whose books include a collection of micronarratives about contemporary art, The Miraculous (Paper Monument/N+1 Books, 2014), the forthcoming Negative Work: The Turn to the Provisional in Contemporary Art (Bloomsbury Academic, January 2023) and several collections of poetry. At the end of the 1970s, he played guitar in The Tenant, a no-wave-related band in New York that left behind one self-produced single, 'Manifestation of Your Sickness'/'T.V. Pharmaceuticals,' which can be heard on YouTube. He is currently Professor of Critical Studies at the University of Houston School of Art.

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Richard Hell: What Just Happened (Winter Editions)

Book Review by Raphael Rubinstein, The Brooklyn Rail, September 2023

THE TITLE OF Richard Hell's new collection of poems and prose, What Just Happened, can be taken in several ways. It could be referring to ...

Paul Nelson: Bartleby on Carmine Street

Memoir by Raphael Rubinstein, The Brooklyn Rail, Summer 2016

"Bartleby, when confronted by failure, conceded magnificently, he did not commit suicide or become interminably bitter, he simply ate ginger-nuts." – Enrique Vila-Matas ...

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