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Victor Bockris

Victor Bockris

The author of acclaimed books on Lou Reed, Keith Richards and Patti Smith, as well as of the bestselling Uptight (about the Velvet Underground), Bockris lives and works in New York City.

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15 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

Richard Hell: Victor Bockris presents Susan Sontag & Richard Hell, New York City, 1978

Interview by Victor Bockris, The Poetry Project, February 1995

IT WAS THE EVENING of the fifteen-foot snow blizzard and SUSAN SONTAG was due at my Greenwich Village apartment from her 107th Street penthouse at ...

Blondie, Debbie Harry: The HT Interview: Debbie Harry

Interview by Victor Bockris, High Times, October 1996

(RBP Editor's note — the original article in High Times was printed missing a section. Victor Bockris provided us with material which, in part, filled ...

William Burroughs, Mick Jagger: Table talk

Report by Victor Bockris, Tatler, 1980

Victor Bockris fails to entertain Jagger, Warhol and Burroughs ...

The Doors, John Lennon, Elvis Presley: What Killed Albert Goldman? A literary X-file

Retrospective by Victor Bockris, Gadfly, July 1999

In the 1980s, Albert Goldman became the most famous and despised biographer in the world because of his biographies of Elvis Presley (Elvis, McGraw Hill, ...

The Life and Work of Basquiat

Essay by Victor Bockris, Gadfly, May 2000

Somebody once asked who Andy Warhol reminded me of. My answer, Muhammad Ali, tickled the artist so much that he used the statement in a ...

Keith Richards, The Rolling Stones: Keith Richards: Heroin, old age, rhythm and blues

Interview by Victor Bockris, High Times, February 1978

KEITH RICHARD has been the Rolling Stones' lead guitarist for the last 15 years and one of rock's leading crusaders and criminals. His most recent ...

The Mystery of Terry Southern

Retrospective by Victor Bockris, Gadfly, January 2000

BEFORE THE New Journalism of Tom Wolfe and Gay Talese, before the absurd cinema of Stanley Kubrick, before the Brave Gonzo World of Hunter S. ...

David Amram, Jack Kerouac: David Amram's Beat Memories

Retrospective and Interview by Victor Bockris, High Times, December 2003

David Amram is an American treasure. A multi-instrumentalist who can play in all styles, he's composed classical concertos and symphonies, accompanied poets on spoken-word records, ...

Patti Smith

Interview by Victor Bockris, Carryout, 15 August 1972

VICTOR BOCKRIS: Would you consider yourself to be the greatest poet in New York City? ...

The Velvet Underground: Heart Of Darkness: The Velvet Underground

Retrospective by Victor Bockris, MOJO, March 2004

The Velvets biographer on Lou Reed, love songs and the band's harrowing third album. ...

Richard Hell, Patti Smith, Television: Victor Bockris goes to the Airport with Robert Mapplethorpe

Interview by Victor Bockris, New York Rocker, December 1976

SATURDAY OCTOBER 16th 2P.M. Robert Mapplethorpe is going to California on a T.W.A. flight. I am arriving at his fifth floor Bond Street studio loft ...

Visions of the Seventies: The Rise And Fall of a Cultural Challenge

Retrospective by Victor Bockris, Gadfly, January 2001

The 1970s were America's low tide. Not since the Depression had the country been so wracked with woe. Never—not even during the Depression—had America's pride ...

Blondie: Dinner With Blondie... and William Burroughs

Interview by Victor Bockris, New Music News, 24 May 1980

2010 NOTE: I taped this dinner party for William Burroughs, Debbie Harry and Chris Stein for my book With William Burroughs: A Report from the ...

Keith Richards: Wingless and Angelic: Keith Richards in Jamaica

Book Excerpt by Victor Bockris, Keith Richards: The Unauthorised Biography, 1992

An extract from Keith Richards: The Unauthorised Biography by Victor Bockris, first published in 1992. (Currently available as a paperback published by Omnibus Press, 426pp, ...

Velvet Underground: The Velvets Hit Hollywood

Book Excerpt by Victor Bockris, Gerard Malanga, Omnibus Books, 1983

An extract from Uptight: The Velvet Underground Story by Victor Bockris & Gerard Malanga, first published by Omnibus Press in 1983. (Currently available as a ...

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