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Kraftwerk: The Final Solution To The Music Problem?

Lester Bangs, New Musical Express, 6 September 1975

In the beginning there was feedback: the machines speaking on their own, answering their supposed masters with shrieks of misalliance.

In the music of KRAFTWERK we see the fitting culmination of this revolution, as the machines not merely play the human beings but ABSORB them…

"We are very much interested in origin of music, source of music. The Pure Sound is something we would like very much to achieve.

"We cannot deny we are German, because the German mentality, which is more advanced, will always be part of our behaviour.

"We create out of the mother language and the machines, from the industry of Germany.

"We have power.

"It is also possible to damage your mind…"

Lester Bangs vivisects the German Scientific Method

Total word count of piece: 2921


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