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Rush: Breaking Into America… Canada's Answer To The New York Dolls?

Michael Gross, Circus Raves, November 1975

DETROIT'S MICHIGAN PALACE was full to the brim. Though the rock 'n' roll style of the early '70s has faded into a rebirth of hippiedom on the East Coast, in Motor City, glitter and all its attendant excesses still hold forth. With a bit of imagination, even, one could see the crowd transferred to the legendary Mercer Arts Center, cheering bands in 1972 that would be gone by 1974. But eyes open and clear, it was Detroit on a muggy spring night in 1975, and Rush, Canada's premier metallic trio, were on stage grinding out their rock 'n' roll in a close to Grand Funk mold. Except for a few casualties lying like rag dolls on the lobby steps, the joint was jumping.

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