Library Rock's Backpages

Chrissie Hynde: Rock 'n 'roll chick

Mark Cooper, Arena, July 1990

LOITERING WITH friends in the foyer of the Brixton Academy after a Public Enemy gig, Chrissie Hynde found herself eyeball-to-eyeball with a couple of large American B-boys. Neither of the men recognized her or placed the traces of Ohio drawl that mingle with the English vowels she has acquired in 18 years in Britain. The B-boys tried to rile their target, but Hynde kept coming right back, quick as a whip. When Mike Tyson's recent humiliation came up, she stopped joshing and rounded on her sparring partners, ready for battle: "Nobody beats Mike Tyson. Nobody!" The guys could only smile, throw in the towel and shake her hand. Chrissie had knocked them dead.

Total word count of piece: 1564


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