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Robert Fripp: God Save The Queen/Under Heavy Manners (Polydor)

Byron Coley, New York Rocker, July 1980

I. Last year, Bob Fripp announced his "Drive to 1981". As I understood it, The Drive was to consist of three albums: the first, a fairly traditional (ahem) rock LP; the second, an outing in Frippertronics; the third, the F-tronics welded to a disco ethic, hence "discotronics": Exposure, the first in Fripp's triumvirate, appeared late last summer, and despite strong initial sales and a cross-country tour of pizza parlors and record shops by its creator, failed to bust anyone's charts. At least that's what I've gotta figure now that the last two-thirds of the trilogy have been relegated to one side each of this new album. That said, I guess this is the culmination of The Drive, and no matter what your calendar may indicate 1981 has arrived.

Total word count of piece: 826


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