Library Rock's Backpages

Spiritualized: Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space

Jim Irvin, MOJO, June 1997

THE CULMINATION OF A SEVEN YEAR mission to empty his crowded mind onto tape, Ladies And Jason Pierce's clamorous meisterwerk. A record that's splendidly not of its time, but timeless. Sounding modern by dint of its ambition but deeply rooted in a tradition that takes in contributions from gospel choirs, the Balanescu Quartet and even Dr John and his joanna on the stunning 16-minute closer ‘Cop Shoot Cop’, Ladies And Gentlemen...wanders way beyond the bedsit rapture and garage pop of Spiritualized's beginnings, past the spooky tempest of their last album, to settle in a warmer, wilder region of the cosmos.

Total word count of piece: 428

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