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New Times Los Angeles

New Times Los Angeles was an alternative weekly newspaper published in Los Angeles between 1996 and 2002.

4 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By artist | Most recently added

Geoff Muldaur: Nightstick: Geoff Muldaur

Profile by Kirk Silsbee, New Times Los Angeles, 4 February 1999

AN UNSUNG GIFT from a bygone era, the Jim Kweskin Jug Band had many things to recommend it: Kweskin's anachronistic, roughhouse vocals; Mel Lyman's stirring, ...

Tom Rush: Nightstick: 'No Regrets'

Report by Kirk Silsbee, New Times Los Angeles, 18 November 1999

CAN'T REMEMBER exactly when the seminal folkie Tom Rush was last heard around here, but Saturday's show at McCabe's is definitely a case of long ...

Lonnie Johnson: The Unsung Blues Legend (Blues Magnet)

Review by Kirk Silsbee, New Times Los Angeles, 20 July 2000

SO THOROUGHLY has the myth of the hell-bound Mississippi Delta bluesman captured the public's imagination that it's narrowed the definition of just what constitutes a ...

Shuggie Otis: Nightstick: Shuggie Otis

Report by Kirk Silsbee, New Times Los Angeles, 5 July 2001

THE GUITAR-PLAYING son of R&B pioneer Johnny Otis was a genuine Los Angeles success story in the early 1970s. ...

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