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UK Subs

UK Subs

14 articles

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By date | By writer | Most recently added

The Damned/UK Subs/The Specials: The Lyceum, London

Live Review by Peter Silverton, Sounds, 21 April 1979

WITH ENOUGH police grouped manacingly outside in coaches, in squad cars and standing around to supervise a couple of Manchester United away fixtures, I suppose ...

Iggy Pop, UK Subs: Hammersmith Odeon, London

Live Review by Chris Bohn, Melody Maker, 16 June 1979

GIVE IGGY Pop a sense of occasion and he'll rise to it — magnificently. The difference between Friday's concert and the first London appearance of ...

Gonna Make a Noise Before I Die: the UK Subs and the Punk Millenium

Report and Interview by Garry Bushell, Sounds, 30 June 1979

IT'S WEDNESDAY night at the Music Machine, the UK Subs are headlining and 1,100 raucous rapscallions have coughed up a couple of sovs a piece ...

UK Subs: No Change For UK Subs

Interview by Chris Bohn, Melody Maker, 18 August 1979

Finding that tribal punk is still alive...and kicking ...

UK Subs: Another Kind Of Blues (Gem)*****

Review by Garry Bushell, Sounds, 8 September 1979

THIS REVIEW lasts 180 seconds and reads 1-2-3-4. It starts with a loud guitar burst, then bass and drums explode and your voice roars 'GARAGELAND' ...

UK Subs: Live Kicks (Stiff) **

Review by Garry Bushell, Sounds, 23 February 1980

POGO? I thought I'd never start. ...

UK Subs: Brand New Age (GEM)*****

Review by Garry Bushell, Sounds, 5 April 1980

WHEN I was at school we used to have a big fat Scottish Geography teacher who was forever clotting you round the head and saying ...

UK Subs: Subsistence Level

Report and Interview by Garry Bushell, Sounds, 7 June 1980

NO DISRESPECT to Dave 'half-a-shandy' McCullough but, myself, I get no pleasure from records that sound like tin baths falling down coal chutes. Witless soul ...

UK Subs: The Masters Of Pure Pogomatic Power Pound On (Part 86).

Report and Interview by Garry Bushell, Sounds, 7 June 1980

NO DISRESPECT to Dave 'half-a-shandy' McCullough but, myself, I get no pleasure from records that sound like tin baths falling down coal chutes. Witless soul ...

Dead Kennedys: Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables; UK Subs: Crash Course

Review by Andy Gill, New Musical Express, 27 September 1980

SPOT THE DIFFERENCEStudy these two pictures carefully. At first sight they may seem identical, but there are at least twelve small but significant differences between ...

Oi! The Debate

Interview by Garry Bushell, Sounds, 24 January 1981

...once again we bring together the finest minds of our generation. This week: New Punk/Skin music. Refereed by GARRY BUSHELL ...

Dreaming Of A Punk Christmas

Report by Carol Clerk, Melody Maker, 2 January 1982

"COME HERE," cried an excited Captain Sensible from the corner of the backstage lounge. "I've just discovered what this is like! It's like the Generation ...

Oi! and Skinheads: Coming a Cropper

Comment by Garry Bushell, Sounds, 6 November 1982

A passionate defence of skinhead culture by GARRY BUSHELL. ...

Urban Dogs: Doggie Doings

Interview by Garry Bushell, Sounds, 13 November 1982

CHARLIE HARPER is late, Charlie's always late. Me and Knox sit in the office cracking the usual jokes about it being his pension day. Not ...

see also Urban Dogs


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