Library Rock's Backpages

The Fatback Band

Fatback Band, The

16 articles

Audio interviews

The Fatback Band (1985)

Interview by Simon Witter, Rock's Backpages audio, 1985

NYC's favourites talk about the genesis of the band, releasing THE first rap record, 'King Tim III', and how the band have survived and thrived with the funk.

File format: mp3; file size: 23mb; Interview length: 25' 09"; sound quality: ***

List of articles in the library

By date | By writer | Most recently added

The Fatback Band: Fat 'n' funky sounds that set folks dancin'!

Profile and Interview by John Abbey, Blues & Soul, 7 May 1974

PERHAPS THE No 1 underground disco record of last year belonged to a New York based band called the Fatback Band. The record, of course, ...

The Fatback Band: Fat 'N' Funky... with a touch of sophistication!

Interview by John Abbey, Blues & Soul, 24 February 1976

You wan' 'em, you got 'em... the Fatback Band are back again, to acknowledge the support of their British followers. Boogie on... ...

The Hustlers

Report by David Hancock, Record Mirror, 6 March 1976

TAKE A WALK down New York's bustling "barrio" and the chances are that some Puerto Rican will start hustling you. They can't help it, they've ...

Fatback Band: Keep On Dancing

Interview by David Hancock, Record Mirror, 21 February 1976

YOU CAN be forgiven for thinking the Fatback Band would come on as pure street — y'know gettin' down with it, plenty of jive talk, ...

The Fatback Band — Bringing Home The Bacon

Profile by Giovanni Dadomo, Record Mirror, 12 April 1975

BEANS AND fatback... It's as American as Kentucky chicken. And fatback, in case you didn't know, is the rich, thick bacon that comes, as the ...

Fatback Band: People Music (Perception 43)

Review by Tony Cummings, Black Music, December 1973

"GOOD EVENING ladies and gentlemen we would like to welcome you to a studio discotheque with the Fatback Band. We want you to sit back ...

Fatback Band: Keepin' it Rootsy

Interview by Tony Cummings, Black Music, January 1976

"Through that door". A grinning Charlie Mullen is standing in the dressing room of the Burlesque club, Farnborough, and gesticulating towards the end of a ...

The Sound of the Streets

Overview by Tony Cummings, Black Music, April 1974

IN A HAPPIER world, pigeon-holes would be strictly for pigeons. Yet the fact remains that terms like "R and B" and "Soul" are no longer ...

The Fatback Band, Cameo, General Caine II and Prince Charles & the City Beat Band

Review by Lloyd Bradley, New Musical Express, 4 July 1981

Slicing through the funk fat: The Fatback Band: Tasty Jam (Spring); Cameo: Knights Of The Sound Table (Chocolate City); General Caine II: Get Down Attack ...

The Fatback Band: Fatbacks Hit Back

Interview by Robin Katz, Black Echoes, 21 February 1976

SOMEONE BLEW the whistle on the Fatback band this week. "The whole show was disappointing" came the critical opinion. "They basically play the same riff ...

Smokey Robinson/Mighty Clouds of Joy/Sylvers/Fatback Band: Los Angeles

Live Review by John Swenson, Sounds, 27 March 1976

YOU WON'T find a better textbook example of what's gone wrong with R&B over the past few years. Ticket prices, scaled from $10.00 down, were ...

The Fatback Band: Ain't No Such Thing As We Don't Sounds BAAAD

Interview by Vivien Goldman, Sounds, 6 March 1976

"WHEN WE get a groove we hate to quit!" shouted out Bill Curtis. His voice carried over inexorable waves of sound, cookin', stampin', and gettin' ...

Fatback Band: Givin' The People What They Want

Interview by John Abbey, Blues & Soul, 5 October 1976

For their new Night Fever album, the band have concentrated on what the fans seem to like most – happy up 'n' dancin' music. John ...

Fatback Band: The Master Dance Combo...

Interview by John Abbey, Blues & Soul, 3 January 1978

John Abbey talks to Bill Curtis about the band that's not strictly a 'band' anymore ...

The Fatback Band: Yum Yum

Review by Bob Fisher, New Musical Express, September 1975

"MY NAME is Yum Yum, Gimme some!" ...


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