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Harry Styles

Harry Styles

4 articles

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By date | By writer | Most recently added

Harry Styles: Harry Styles

Review by Geoffrey Himes, The Washington Post, 29 September 2017

HARRY STYLES has gone back to the future. Sooner or later, this short, wiry singer with the tousled hair and giddy tenor had to leave ...

Harry Styles: teen star turned serious player?

Profile by Jude Rogers, The Observer, 14 May 2017

He was boyband One Direction's most high-profile pin-up. But as his debut solo album proves, behind the marketing lies a smart young man ...

Harry Styles: Harry's House

Review by Laura Barton, The Guardian, 7 September 2022

Harry Styles's high-end lockdown album is surprisingly of a piece with other longlisted albums by artists as distinct as Joy Crookes and Gwenno ...

So Jake Bugg is authentic and Harry Styles is a fake? I don't think so…

Comment by Paul Morley, The Observer, 3 March 2013

In the great fabricated conflict between Jake Bugg and Harry Styles, it's the perversely sophisticated One Direction star who really represents what's left of pop. ...

see also One Direction


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