Rock and Rap Confidential
Rock and Rap Confidential, previously known as Rock and Roll Confidential, is a monthly newsletter edited by writer Dave Marsh since 1982 It covers culture and politics, hip hop and heavy metal, racism and revolution, censorship and more. It is now available by email.
2 articles
List of articles in the library
The Four Tops: The Great Levi Stubbs
Memoir by Dave Marsh, Rock and Rap Confidential, October 2008
WHEN I WAS 15, I met the Four Tops on a downtown Detroit street, where they were doing a photo shoot with the Supremes. ...
Lynyrd Skynyrd: On Lynyrd Skynyrd's Ed King, and Trayvon Martin
Letter by Mark Kemp, Rock and Rap Confidential, 17 July 2013
JUST WANTED to let you folks at RRC know that Ed King, ostensibly one of the more enlightened original members of Lynyrd Skynyrd, and a former member ...
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