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Lowell George, Little Feat: Lowell George: Time Loves A Hero

Interview by Jim Sullivan, Sweet Potato, July 1979

IT'S EERIE and disturbing news to learn about the death of someone with whom you had enjoyed a long and enjoyable conversation just a few ...

Warren Zevon: How L.A.'s 'Excitable Boy' Won the Battle with the Bottle

Interview by Jim Sullivan, The Boston Globe, 10 April 1980

"L.A. rock's newest darling desperado, Warren Zevon, likes to start his day with a screwdriver, then clear his head with coffee and a side of ...

Joan Jett: Jett Propelled

Interview by Jim Sullivan, The Boston Globe, 24 December 1980

A STILL SWEATING Joan Jett sits in a dressing room at the Channel after her Saturday gig and tugs on her black skintight pants. "This ...

Visage: …And Their British Guru, Steve Strange

Interview by Jim Sullivan, The Boston Globe, 27 July 1981

SOMETIMES, confides Steve Strange, weeks go by when he doesn't buy any clothes. ...

Jerry Lee Lewis: No Sinner Like An Old 'Un

Interview by Jim Sullivan, New Musical Express, 14 September 1985

Not for JERRY LEE LEWIS the cosy trail from rocker to rocking chair. Last year a rollercoaster life and career hit a new low when ...

Fall, The: The Fall: The Crankiest Band From The UK

Interview by Jim Sullivan, Boston Globe, 6 August 1993

MARK E. SMITH, leader of the long-running English post-punk band The Fall, says these sorts of things invariably happen to him. ...

Evan Dando, Lemonheads, The: Evan Dando: Reckless Idol Through The Lens Darkly

Interview by Jim Sullivan, Boston Globe, 20 September 1996

GAY HEAD — It's nearing summer's end on Martha's Vineyard, and Evan Dando, the 29-year-old guiding voice and vision of the Lemonheads, is chilling on ...

Pink Floyd, Rick Wright: Pink Floyd's Rick Wright (1997)

Interview by Jim Sullivan, Rock's Backpages Audio, January 1997

The Floyd keyboard man on his solo album Broken China: writing about his wife's depression; the melancholia in his music; co-writing with lyricist Anthony Moore; Sinead O'Connor's involvement; and becoming a singer himself. He talks about what (isn't) up with Pink Floyd; his run-in with Roger Waters when recording The Wall, his dismissal from the band... and the current state of Syd Barrett.

File format: mp3; file size: 21.5mb, interview length: 22' 22" sound quality: ** (phoner)

Tom Waits: With Morbidity On His Mind, Tom Waits Makes A Double Play

Interview by Jim Sullivan, The Boston Globe, May 2002

Tom Waits — the raspy-voiced singer-songwriter and occasional actor and playwright — has released 14 albums in nearly 30 years. But he has a habit ...

Jerry Lee Lewis: A Ride In A Limo With The Killer

Interview by Jim Sullivan,, September 2013

N.B. This interview is taken from a 1985 story originally printed in the Boston Globe and later syndicated in other US papers, as well as ...


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