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231 articles found. Page 11 of 12.

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Steve Winwood: The Steve Winwood Autodiscography

Interview by Jim Green, Trouser Press, May 1981

Steve Winwood's work defies pigeonholing; his distinctive "blue-eyed soul" vocals grace an impressive blend of rock, soul, jazz and folk. He's responsible for a wealth ...

Joni Mitchell: Queen Joni Approximately

Retrospective by Barney Hoskyns, Rock's Backpages, January 2004

Raised in Canada, Joni Mitchell found her way to California in 1968. Barney Hoskyns on the crowning of a canyon princess. ...

John Mellencamp: John Cougar: Pink Houses In The Midwest

Interview by Bill Holdship, Creem, January 1984

MY STOMACH WAS in my throat again, and I was seriously contemplating murder. The victim would be editor-in-chief of the rag you presently hold in ...

Velvet Underground: Up From The Underground: Sterling Morrison

Interview by Bill Bentley, Austin Sun, 19 October 1975

THE VELVET UNDERGROUND was often accused of being ahead of their time. Not true. The band was very much of their time. But it was ...

Don't Give Up The Day Job

Guide by Terry Staunton, Record Collector, January 2005

THEY LIGHT UP the screen with their dramatic talent, but for many fine thespians that's just not enough. Some of them have a few songs ...

Going Mobile, Part One

Essay by Phil Mershon, Hackwriters, March 2004

THERE'S BEEN no gray and only the slightest signs of a waistline spread, but the sensibilities of middle age mutate sufficiently these days, enough so ...

Gram Parsons, Byrds, The, Flying Burrito Brothers, Emmylou Harris: How the Ghost of Gram Parsons haunts Alt-Country

Retrospective by Mitchell Cohen, Music Aficionado, January 2018

GRAM PARSONS didn't care much for the term "country-rock". And he wasn't thrilled by some of the more candy-coated bands who were able to capitalize ...

The Beatles: Sgt Pepper, The Inside Story Part II

Retrospective and Interview by Steve Turner, Q, July 1987

'STRAWBERRY FIELDS Forever' and 'Penny Lane', released in February '67, were the first-fruits of the sessions and they didn't disappoint. As American rock critic Greil ...

Blind Faith, Spencer Davis Group, Steve Winwood, Traffic: Stevie Winwood: Not Just A Singer In A Rock And Roll Band

Retrospective by Ben Edmonds, Phonograph Record, April 1973

I MADE INITIAL contact with Stevie Winwood in March of 1966, a weekend rebel still in the high school clutches of suburban Boston. As was ...

Kim Fowley, The Runaways: Kim Fowley: The Dorian Gray of Rock'n'Roll

Interview by Sandy Robertson, Sounds, 6 August 1977

TAKE A JOURNEY INTO ROCK N ROLL WITH KIM FOWLEY AND MEET...Venus & The Razorbiades, The Runaways, Juice, Teenage Prostitutes, Steven T., Zippers, Weirdos, Germs, ...

Bob Dylan: Revolution In His Head

Retrospective by Ben Edmonds, MOJO, February 2005

40 years ago this month, Bob Dylan walked into Columbia's Studio A and walked out having invented rock music as we know it. Corralling eyewitness ...

Tim Hardin: The Unforgiven: Tim Hardin and the Shock of Grace

Retrospective by Barney Hoskyns, Rock's Backpages, February 2012

NOTE: This is the "director's cut" version – at almost twice the length – of a piece written for MOJO and subsequently used as the ...

Tim Hardin: The Unforgiven: Tim Hardin

Retrospective by Barney Hoskyns, MOJO, February 2012

AS CONCEPT ALBUMS go it was one of the more eccentric creations of the late 1960s. The mouthful of a title alone (Suite for Susan ...

Flamin' Groovies, The, Roy Loney: Roy Loney

Interview by Jason Gross, Perfect Sound Forever, April 2005

Funny story... Though I had spoken to Flamin' Groovies founder in 1998, I held the article all this time hoping to speak to Cyril A. ...

Jackson Browne, Byrds, The, Doors, The, Terry Melcher, Mothers Of Invention, The, Frank Zappa, Rising Sons, The: Billy James on Columbia, Elektra and the L.A. music industry

Interview by Richie Unterberger, unpublished, 1986

Author’s note: This was based around one of the first significant historical interviews I did. The essay wasn't published anywhere, just typed out for a ...

Captain Beefheart: The Answer is Blowing in the Wind: "I think they're going to have to get more kites"

Profile and Interview by Ben Edmonds, ZigZag, August 1970

Beefheart is and always was a Zigzag hero; we get more letter about him than any other artists, I should think – asking for news ...

Wings: Paul McCartney: …No Not Really In A Way Actually As It Happens…

Interview by Charles Shaar Murray, NME, 26 July 1975

VENUS AND MARS ARE LATE. The sandwiches don't care, though. Even though they're the same day's vintage – fresh, soft white bread-triangles housing excerpts from ...

Richie Havens: The Eternal Flame of Woodstock

Retrospective and Interview by Paul Gabriel, DISCoveries, August 1994

THE YEAR 1969, in rock music, was the culmination of the era of the huge outdoor concert festival. ...

Phil Spector

Book Excerpt by Stuart Grundy, John Tobler, The Record Producers (BBC Books), 1982

WHENEVER THE subject of record producers is discussed by anyone born before 1960, one name will always surface, that of Phil Spector. ...

Tim Buckley: The Fantastic Voyage of a Starsailor

Retrospective by Max Bell, New Musical Express, 22 December 1979

"I'm as puzzled as the newborn child I'm as riddled as the tide Should I stand amid the breakers Or should I die with death my bride? Come hear ...

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