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Mahavishnu Orchestra, Sonny Rollins: Rick Laird: Musicians Over Here Sound As If They're Stuck

Interview by Max Jones, Melody Maker, 15 January 1966

LONDON — LATEST in a long line of British jazz musicians to trek to the United States is twenty-four-year-old Rick Laird, resident bassist at London's ...

Chris Barber: Now They Can Tell The Difference

Interview by Max Jones, Melody Maker, 11 September 1965

CHRIS BARBER, who has been leading bands off and on for sixteen years, still approaches the business with youthful enthusiasm. In spite of beat booms, ...

Ben Webster: Talking of love...

Interview by Max Jones, Melody Maker, 2 January 1965

EVERYBODY TALKS about Ben Webster's big sound, but I don't remember about when, where and why he began to cultivate it. Between sets at Scott's, ...

Billy Cobham, Horace Silver: Billy Cobham: The Pulse Behind the Horace Silver 5

Interview by Chris Welch, Melody Maker, 14 December 1968

IT'S BEEN a very good year for drummers. ...

Quincy Jones: "Bandleading... enough to make grey hair grow on my eyeballs... but I'm not quitting jazz"

Interview by Max Jones, Melody Maker, 10 February 1962

QUINCY JONES — in London for a flying visit — grabs a word with MAX JONES ...

Duke Ellington: "They're trying to make me a piano player. I'll have to start practising..."

Interview by Max Jones, Melody Maker, 1 February 1964


Oscar Brown Jr.: A Very Cheerful Man Is Oscar Cicero Brown

Interview by Maureen Cleave, The Evening Standard, 29 June 1963

OSCAR BROWN JR. is an extremely cheerful person. From his riotously checked shirt to his shoes with funny little thongs at the side, he exudes ...

Jimmy Witherspoon: All About Spoon — And How He Got Another Chance

Interview by Maureen Cleave, The Evening Standard, 27 June 1964

JIMMY WITHERSPOON is a gigantic man of 41 with great bristling eyebrows and moustaches and a large winning smile. Intimates and admirers call him Spoon. ...

Acker Bilk: You don't have to be poor to be good — says Acker Bilk

Interview by Maureen Cleave, The Evening Standard, 7 October 1961

CHRIS BARBER put 'Petite Fleur' into the hit parade three years ago and, in a sense, started the trad jazz boom. Mr. Barber still looks ...

Modern Jazz Quartet, The, Swingle Singers, Les: Modern Jazz Quartet: Sitting Tight On The Format

Interview by Max Jones, Melody Maker, 24 September 1966

JOHN LEWIS, amiable but reticent leader of the Modern Jazz Quartet, is that rare bird in jazz, a musician who doesn't like talking about himself. ...

Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Dizzy Gillespie: Dizzy Gillespie: in from the storm

Interview by Max Jones, Melody Maker, 4 December 1965

DIZZY GILLESPIE was in benevolent mood when he met the press at his Mayfair hotel. Smiling amiably between mouthfuls of Worthington, he gave the impression ...

Sun Ra, an Interview: Collision of the Suns

Interview by John Sinclair, The Warren-Forest Sun, 1 April 1967

THE INTERVIEW with SUN RA, the master musician & prophet, was originally taped & edited by John Sinclair in December 1966 for GUERRILLA. The interview ...

Lambert, Hendricks & Ross: Lambert, Hendricks and Ross: Fully paid up in the hod carrier's union

Interview by Max Jones, Melody Maker, 15 October 1966

DAVE LAMBERT, 49-year-old jazz singer, composer and vocal arranger who was killed by a passing truck on the Connecticut Turnpike last week, was regarded as ...

Albert Ayler: Ayler: Mystic tenor with a direct hot line to heaven?

Interview by Val Wilmer, Melody Maker, 15 October 1966

WHEN his records Bells, Ghosts and Spirits first hit the market with the impact of an erupting Vesuvius, Albert Ayler's amazing tenor saxophone was variously ...

Byrds, The, John Coltrane, Ravi Shankar, Archie Shepp, Yusef Lateef: Tempo: Coltrane, Shankar and All That Rock & Roll

Interview by Jim Delehant, Hit Parader, August 1966

IN OUR FEATURE on the Byrds (in the July issue) they credited several sources of unconventional music as influences. They were quite specific about Indian ...

Stan Tracey: So Busy Doing Nothing...

Interview by Max Jones, Melody Maker, 15 October 1966

JUST OVER a year ago, when I was interviewing Stan Tracey, I asked whether he would consider playing piano in a non-jazz place if his ...

Buddy Rich: Master drummer suffering fools...

Interview by Chris Welch, Melody Maker, 5 October 1968

BUDDY RICH'S new album Mercy, Mercy is another musical explosion in the series Buddy has offered us since he formed his successful big band. ...


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