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51 articles found. Page 2 of 3.

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Snoop (Doggy) Dogg: Snoop Doggy Dogg: A Pussycat?

Interview by Robert Sandall, Q, April 1994

Who's a busy homeboy then? His CV already bulges with a prison sentence, a US Number 1 LP and a still-fresh murder charge. Now, gangster ...

Fiona Apple: Hard Core Pawn

Interview by Phil Sutcliffe, Q, March 2000

Therapised and raped by the age 12, famous and alienated by the music industry at 19, Fiona Apple is feeling better, thank you. She's got ...

Kylie Minogue: Attack of the 5ft Woman!

Interview by Dorian Lynskey, Q, June 2002

AAARG! In 1998, one time pop robot and po-mo pin-up Kylie Minogue was on a commercial cold slab. Now scarily re-animated, she's an irony-free megastar ...

Diana Ross: The Gospel According To Miss Ross

Interview by Charles Shaar Murray, Q, October 1987

"I'VE BEEN HERE so many times before," murmurs Diana Ross as she sweeps, surrounded by a clucking entourage, through the foyer of the EMI Records ...

Who The Hell Does Anthony H. Wilson Think He Is?

Interview by Tom Hibbert, Q, February 1992

IN THE headquarters of Factory Records, Manchester, I found myself privy to a sight and sound seldom witnessed, I dare say, by any human being ...

Crowded House: Don't Dream It's Over

Interview by Phil Sutcliffe, Q, July 1992

Last year, Crowded House played Britain and hardly anyone noticed. This time they've had to book Wembley Arena. Maybe the turnaround came just in time ...

Sinead O'Connor

Interview by Phil Sutcliffe, Q, September 1994

SINEAD O'CONNOR is back in Dublin, her home town, and she's in a milk stout frame of mind, blacks and whites all mixed up. Indeed, ...

Chemical Brothers, The: The Chemical Brothers: The Big Boom Theory

Interview by Andy Gill, Q, September 1997

Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons — aka The Chemical Brothers — are rewriting the rock'n'roll rule book with their earth-moving amalgam of big beats, old ...

The KLF: KLF: Hang On! I've Got An Idea!

Interview by Andy Gill, Q, March 1991

They're big on ideas, are KLF. Like having hits without musicians, making a load of cash, losing a load of cash… and every so often, ...

Electronic - an interview

Interview by Adrian Deevoy, Q, July 1991

IT WAS A MARRIAGE MADE, not in heaven, but in Manchester: the guitar-slinging former Smith and the wispy-voiced singer of New Order, brought together by ...

Gary Numan: Who The Hell Does Gary Numan Think He Is?

Interview by Tom Hibbert, Q, May 1991

THANK CHRIST for this "Siberian snap" and all this snow, is all I can say. Thank Christ that "it's cold outside" (as G. Numan sang ...

Billy Joel: We All Make Mistakes…

Interview by Tom Hibbert, Q, September 1987

DOWN THE HALL of the Mayfair hotel, the beautiful star model, Christie Brinkley, she of 1,000 swimsuits on 1,000 glossy covers, and the less beautiful ...

Stevie Nicks, Fleetwood Mac: The Q Interview: Stevie Nicks: "I had to be strong otherwise I would never have gotten through all this."

Interview by Sylvie Simmons, Q, May 2008

Stevie Nicks is the epitome of California rock excess. While in Fleetwood Mac, she sold millions and snorted half of Colombia. Solo, she sold millions ...

Led Zeppelin: 'People Go On About The Bad Blood Between Us. There Can't Be That Much If We're In A Room Together.'

Interview by Robert Sandall, Q, January 2008

The return of was the music event of the year. On the eve of their comeback show at London's O2 arena, here for the first ...

John Lee Hooker: The Voodoo Guru

Interview by Charles Shaar Murray, Q, February 1990

ON 74TH & BROADWAY, the Gotham fog freezes your lungs with every breath, but inside the Beacon Theatre, Van Morrison has just spent something under ...

The Quireboys: Right Place, Wrong Decade

Interview by Mat Snow, Q, April 1990

"Guy?" A little voice wheedles from the small but perfectly formed Griff, lead guitarist with The Quireboys. "Have you got any of that stuff, Guy?" ...

Iron Maiden: Pas de moshing, s’il vous plait!

Interview by Phil Sutcliffe, Q, January 1991

"MES AMIS, il faut que nous arretons un moment," says the longhaired singer in leather jacket, skintight sports trews and a French accent truly Churchillian ...

Catatonia: Catatonic in Soho

Interview by Phil Sutcliffe, Q, August 2001

CERYS MATTHEWS slung a guitar round her neck and strummed a few chords. Then something caught her eye. She stopped and stared. Her jaw dropped. ...

Justin Bieber: Cash For Questions

Interview by Jude Rogers, Q, August 2012

Lock up your nieces, the Canadian teen-pop behemoth is over here and gagging to answer your questions on scary fans, fighting One Direction and whether ...

Strokes, The: The Strokes: "I Want A Fight!"

Interview by Paul Elliott, Q, January 2002

Stalked by supermodels, lauded by Joe Strummer and ready to ruck, The Strokes wear the mantle of "cool" like a bespoke suit. But why is ...


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