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83 articles found. Page 1 of 5.

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Dead Kennedys: Highway to Hell: My Life on the Road with the Dead Kennedys

Memoir by Amy Linden, Cuepoint, 3 February 2015

IN 1981, I MOVED back to New York City after spending four years in San Francisco. I was 22, and a childhood friend and I ...

Ramones, The: "Tommy Ramone's rock'n'roll legacy should not be underestimated"

Comment by Nick Hasted, The Independent, 14 July 2014

TOMMY RAMONE'S contribution to rock'n'roll was as brief and as fundamentally potent as his band's songs. Three albums, released over 17 months, were the sum ...

Clash, The, Joe Strummer: The Clash's Joe Strummer (1978)

Interview by Howie Klein, Rock's Backpages Audio, February 1978

A typically splendid Strummer interview: He explains Ska! He digs Steve Miller! He prefers the Sun to the Guardian! He's in hospital with hepatitis! Plus stuff on gobbing, politics, the upcoming 2nd Clash album etc.

File format: mp3; file size: 25mb, interview length: 27' 17" sound quality: ***

Clash, The, Joe Strummer: Joe Strummer (1988)

Interview by Adam Sweeting, Rock's Backpages audio, February 1988

The former Clash front-man on recording the soundtrack to Permanent Record; his musical and acting participation in Walker and Straight to Hell; on the Clash compilation Story of the Clash Vol. 1; how touring with the Who led to the end of the Clash; playing with the Pogues, and his hatred of being spat at onstage; on Reagan and Thatcher; his (now) dislike of drugs; on his diplomat father; forming the 101ers, and the Rude Boy movie.

File format: mp3; file size: 83.8mb, interview length: 1h 27' 20" sound quality: *** (background noise)

Blackpool Rocks!

Essay by Steve Redhead, Rock's Backpages, March 2007

BACKPOOL ROX II, issue 9, price £2, came out at the end of last year. You won't find it referred to in Babylon's Burning, the ...

Black Flag, Henry Rollins: Henry Rollins (1994)

Interview by Andy Gill, Rock's Backpages audio, May 1994

Henry reflects on Kurt Cobain's recent death; Black Flag's influence on the new bands; his disapproval of slackers and his ascetic lifestyle; his disciplinarian father; violence in America; what he likes and loathes about England; his youthful fondness for Ted Nugent, and '70s hard rock in general; the difference between Black Flag and his Rollins Band; music vs. spoken word; his literary influences, including Nietzsche; his mother's record collection; being knocked out by punk rock; his gym work... and his relationship with his fans.

File format: mp3; file size: 79.5mb, interview length: 1h 22' 46" sound quality: ****

The Buzzcocks

Report and Interview by Kris Needs, ZigZag, September 1978

LOVE BITES can be: The vice-like heart-grasp of new love: Embarrassing marks on the neck; Romance with a sting in the tail; THE NEW BUZZCOCKS ...

Richard Hell: Hold Off

Essay by Alan Betrock, ZigZag, July 1977

2:39 Richard Hell and the Voidoids glide into take one of 'The Plan', a quirky composition, supported by subtle mood changes. At 2:43 it's finished. ...

Circle Jerks: Group Sex (Frontier)

Review by Byron Coley, New York Rocker, March 1981

ONE OF THE real top great beauties of Anglo punk, the early, was that there was never a lyric sheet. Singers sang breakneck as they ...

Joe Strummer at 60

Memoir by Jeff Slate,, 21 August 2012

JOE STRUMMER, the frontman of The Clash and all around "spokesman for a generation", would have been 60 today. He died tragically nearly 10 years ...

The Sex Pistols: Anarchy In The UK

Retrospective and Interview by Gavin Martin, Uncut, June 2000

THE EARLY SEVENTIES have been a golden age for the homegrown British pop single. The pan-stick and yob fraternity, which includes T-Rex, Sweet, Slade, Mott ...

Hüsker Dü, Bob Mould: Bob Mould's Quiet Life After Husker Du

Report and Interview by Jim Sullivan, The Boston Globe, 19 August 1988

FOR THE BETTER part of the 1980s, Husker Du was the leading light of the American rock 'n' roll underground. The Minneapolis-based trio came crashing ...

Generation X: Generation X

Review by Ira Robbins, Trouser Press, June 1978

FROM THE VERY start of their recording career, it was obvious that Generation X had some rather unparochial ideas about their role as a punk ...

Advertising: Jingles

Review by Peter Silverton, Sounds, 24 June 1978

FEELING RUTHLESS, you could divide the entire spectrum of pop and rock'n'roll into two. ...

GG Allin: Pigshit: GPG on GG

Film/DVD Review by Gary Pig Gold, Rock and Roll Report, 21 January 2011

A FULL DISCLOSURE right up front, one and all: Way back in the 1980 hey!day of my fanzine, The Pig Paper, a certain Kevin Michael ...

Sex Pistols, The: The Sex Pistols on Top of the Pops (BBC1)

Film/DVD/TV Review by Giovanni Dadomo, Sounds, 23 July 1977

Out to Lunch ...

Blink 182: The Toilet Boys

Report and Interview by Ian Fortnam, Kerrang!, 9 October 1999

When it comes to smut, filth and all-round seedy behaviour, no one can touch San Diego oiks BLINK 182. This is, after all, a band ...

Beatles, The, Sex Pistols: Pointing Pistols at the throne

Essay by Jon Savage, The Guardian, 2 June 1993

There is something Rotten in the state of England. Republicanism is emerging as an option even for Tory meritocrats — thanks to the punk's subversiveness ...

Ramones, The: The Ramones: Weird Tales Of The Ramones

Review by Jon Savage, MOJO, August 2005

NOTHING CAN recapture the impact of how The Ramones sounded in spring 1976. Listening to it now, it sounds slow, formal, almost sedate: the Superpop ...

Harry Crews: Wrecking Crews

Interview by David Stubbs, Melody Maker, 1 October 1988

Harry Crews are an all-woman band featuring Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth and Lydia Lunch. They're destined to "combust after the next three days". But ...


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