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33 articles found. Page 1 of 2.

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Buzzcocks: Teen Rebel Scores £250 From Dad

Profile by Paul Morley, New Musical Express, 5 February 1977

This feature bears the New Wave Seal of Quality ...

Punk Rock

Comment by Vivien Goldman, Sounds, 2 April 1977

'STAY TUNED for further developments,' John Ingham said at the end of his 'Rock Special' in SOUNDS October 9, 1976. As he forward-thinkingly observed even ...

Malcolm McLaren, The Sex Pistols: A Non-Interview With Malcolm McLaren

Interview by Sandy Robertson, Sounds, 18 June 1977

I VISITED THE office of Glitterbest (Sex Pistols management) recently, accompanied by Tony D. (editor of Ripped & Torn fanzine) to try and arrange an ...

Sham 69: Sham v Them. Referee: Barry Cain

Report and Interview by Barry Cain, Record Mirror, 25 February 1978

JIMMY PURSEY talks. Jimmy Pursey talks corks out of bottles. Talks forks out of mouths. Talks porks out of pigs. Talks hawks out ...

Generation X: 'You Can't Help Selling Out'

Report and Interview by Jeremy Gluck, Sounds, 22 April 1978

"MY FRIEND was bawling her eyes out. She asked Billy to kiss her and he did. She just about fainted!" ...

Generation X: Generation X

Review by Ira Robbins, Trouser Press, June 1978

FROM THE VERY start of their recording career, it was obvious that Generation X had some rather unparochial ideas about their role as a punk ...

Sham 69: If The Kids Are United…

Report and Interview by Caroline Coon, Sounds, 3 June 1978

JIMMY PURSEY'S very baggy grey flannels are held up by a brand new pair of white braces. His striped shirt is as clean as five ...

Clash, The: The Clash: The "Serious In-Depth Interview" You've Been Waiting For!

Report and Interview by Peter Silverton, Sounds, 17 June 1978

"AAAWOOOEEEUUUOOO, PETE...'ear you bin to the wazzit?" ...

Advertising: Jingles

Review by Peter Silverton, Sounds, 24 June 1978

FEELING RUTHLESS, you could divide the entire spectrum of pop and rock'n'roll into two. ...

Sex Pistols, Sid Vicious: Sid Vicious Dies of Overdose

Report by Wayne Robins, Newsday, 3 February 1979

NEW YORK — Sid Vicious joined his girlfriend Nancy in death yesterday. ...

Ramones, The: The Ramones: Joey finally gets the girl

Report by Ira Robbins, New Musical Express, 12 May 1979

The Ramones' first feature film, Rock'n'Roll High School, had its world premier last week at a Texas drive-in. Will a touching tale of teen romance ...

Malcolm McLaren, New York Dolls, Sex Pistols, Ronnie Biggs: The Rise And Fall Of Malcolm McLaren Part One: Tin Pan Alley Meets An Idea Whose Time Has Come...

Retrospective and Interview by Michael Watts, Melody Maker, 16 June 1979

The Man Who Sold The World ...

The Clash: Yes It's Strummer In The City

Interview by Charles Shaar Murray, NME, 30 June 1979

HOT TOWN! Strummer in the city: walks into the Kings Road pub that serves as his temporary local while he's staying in Fulham dead on ...

Penetration: Going Underground

Interview by Phil Sutcliffe, Sounds, 5 April 1980

SO YOU'RE learning to write music, Pauline – how's it done then? ...

Fatal Microbes, Honey Bane: Fatal Microbes: Femme Fatale

Interview by Garry Bushell, Sounds, 19 April 1980

A BOOZER IN beautiful down-town Stepney is the rendezvous and despite London Transport I manage to arrive at the right time on the right day ...

Ramones, The: An Interview With Joey Ramone — A Teenage Lobotomy Speaks His Mind

Interview by Bill Holdship, Michigan State News, 9 May 1980

THE RAMONES have become something of an American rock 'n roll institution. The band formed in 1974, and became part of an underground East Coast ...

The Business: Minding Their Own

Interview by Garry Bushell, Sounds, 27 February 1982

'The winter of discontent is nearing/Thatcher's got trouble with her hearing/The voices of millions are going unheard/I'd try to laugh if it wasn't so absurd/This ...

Dead Boys, The: The Dead Boys: No Compromise, No Regrets

Obituary by Nina Antonia, Spiral Scratch, 11 June 1991

STIV BATORS, a man whose name read like an anagram, managed the rare feat of creative reincarnation, within the span of what was to be ...

Black Flag, Henry Rollins: Henry Rollins (1994)

Interview by Andy Gill, Rock's Backpages audio, May 1994

Henry reflects on Kurt Cobain's recent death; Black Flag's influence on the new bands; his disapproval of slackers and his ascetic lifestyle; his disciplinarian father; violence in America; what he likes and loathes about England; his youthful fondness for Ted Nugent, and '70s hard rock in general; the difference between Black Flag and his Rollins Band; music vs. spoken word; his literary influences, including Nietzsche; his mother's record collection; being knocked out by punk rock; his gym work... and his relationship with his fans.

File format: mp3; file size: 79.5mb, interview length: 1h 22' 46" sound quality: ****

Henry Rollins (1994) [transcript]

Transcript of audio interview by Andy Gill, Rock's Backpages transcripts, May 1994

This is a transcript of Andy's audio interview with Henry. Listen to the audio of this interview. ...


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